This book analyzes how acts of feeling at a discursive, somatic, and rhetorical level were theorized and practiced in multiple medieval and early-modern sources (literary, medical, theological, and archival). It covers a large chronological and geographical span from eleventh-century France, to fifteenth-century Iberia and England, and ending with seventeenth-century Jesuit meditative literature. Essays in this book explore how particular emotional norms belonging to different socio-cultural communities (courtly, academic, urban elites) were subverted or re-shaped; engage with the study of emotions as sudden, but impactful, bursts of sensory experience and feelings; and analyze how emotions are filtered and negotiated through the prism of literary texts and the socio-political status of their authors.
See also Philippa Maddern, 'Interpreting Silence: Domestic Violence in the King's Courts in East Anglia, 1422–1442', in Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts, eds Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrell Llewelyn Price (Gainesville: ...
Introducing the reader to different perspectives on how knowledge markets operated from both an economic and cultural perspective, this book will be of great use to students, graduates and scholars of early modern history, economic history, ...
This volume argues that the ways in which emotions created states of order and disorder in medieval and early modern Europe were deeply informed by contemporary gender ideologies.
This highly original book is both a study of emotional discourse in the Early Middle Ages and a contribution to the debates among historians and social scientists about the nature of human emotions.
This highly original book is both a study of emotional discourse in the Early Middle Ages and a contribution to the debates among historians and social scientists about the nature of human emotions.
21 Dante«s use of invectives see Arianna Punzi, a®Animos movere ̄: La ... Saint-Etienne: Publications de l«Université de Saint-Etienne, 2006; Robert Eisenhauer, Archeologies of Invective, New York: Peter Lang, 2007; Marc Laureys, ...
Age, social status, ethnicity, race and gender all affected ideas about the right ordering of emotions and consequent ... ed., Gender and Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Destroying Order, Structuring Disorder (Farnham: ...
services, listen devoutly to them, make oblations at masses celebrated, and receive holy water and blessed bread from the hand of the parish priest'.36 This was Agnes Grantham, the 'devout widow' of my title.
The period 1300-1600 CE was one of intense and far-reaching emotional realignments in European culture.
Generations of Feeling is the first book to provide a comprehensive history of emotions in pre- and early modern Western Europe.