This book explores intersections of theory and practice to engage queer theory and education as it happens both in and beyond the university. Furthering work on queer pedagogy, this volume brings together educators and activists who explore how we see, write, read, experience, and, especially, teach through the fluid space of queerness. The editors and contributors are interested in how queer-identified and -influenced people create ideas, works, classrooms, and other spaces that vivify relational and (eco)systems thinking, thus challenging accepted hierarchies, binaries, and hegemonies that have long dominated pedagogy and praxis.
o sea las personas siempre quieren verse y sentirse de alguna manera (.) y: no debería aniquilarse ni mutilarse el sentir ni el criterio propio: ni nada de eso (Estudiante No Género Binario). 8. Básicamente viví una máscara ↓ (.) ...
... Queer Pedagogies of Space " ) ' , Interiors : design , architecture , culture 9 ( 2 ) : 140–56 . Waite , S. 2018. ' Intersectionality : embodied bodies , bodies of knowledge ' . In E. McNeil et al . , Mapping Queer Space ( s ) of Praxis and ...
These entanglements affect our daily lives and pose possibilities as well as restrictions, chances as well as challenges. The contributions of this volume tackle related issues by adopting a highly interdisciplinary perspective.
... University Press. Bozalek, V., Zembylas, M. and Tronto, J.C. (2021). Posthuman and Political Care Ethics for Reconfiguring Higher Education Pedagogies. New York, NY: Routledge. Brannelly, T., Ward, L. and Ward, N. (2015). Ethics of Care ...
... Girlhood In their book Voicing girlhood in popular music, Jacqueline Warwick and Allison Adrian (2016, p. 2) argue that “[i]n mainstream popular images, girls are frequently depicted as frivolous, silly, and deserving of contempt, and ...
... students in class before planning and organizing this type of experiential activities. CONCLUSIONS: QUEERNESS AS A POTENTIALITY IN (CLASSICS) TEACHING Classics teaching, as presented, features a big amount of queer content that can be ...
... Warner, M. (1999). The trouble with normal: Sex, politics, and the ethics of queer life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. INDEX 1 1Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to 205 CONCLUSION: A CLOSING FOR QUEER THRIVING.
Scholars of rhetoric, gender studies, LGBTQ studies, literary studies, and communication studies will find this book particularly useful.
... queer literary nonfiction, and creative process as research methodology. As a creative–critical scholar, her work ... Pedagogy, and enculturation. She is currently working on a book project about place, public policy, and transportation ...
... gay-dia: In McNeil, E., Wermers, J., Lunn, J. (Eds.), Mapping queer space(s) of praxis and pedagogy. Queer stud- ies and education (pp. 183–200). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-64623-7_10 DNA. (2018) ...