This book explores the significance and meaning of the countryside within mid-twentieth century youth movements. It examines the ways in which the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Woodcraft Folk and Young Farmers’ Club organisations employed the countryside as a space within which ‘good citizenship’ – in leisure, work, the home and the community – could be developed. Mid-century youth movements identified the ‘problem’ of modern youth as a predominantly urban and working class issue. They held that the countryside offered an effective antidote to these problems: being a ‘good citizen’ within this context necessitated a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with the rural sphere. Avenues to good citizenship could be found through an enthusiasm for outdoor recreation, the stewardship of the countryside and work on the land. However, models of good citizenship were intrinsically gendered.
London: Francis Taylor. ———. 2005. Liquid Pleasures: A Social History of Drinks in Modern Britain. London: Routledge. Burrows, Tim. 2009. From CBGB to the Roundhouse: Music Venues Through the Years. London/New York: Marion Boyars.
... identity by the early twentieth century and was put to work by politicians and elites who were trying to mould a responsible working 27 origins', and Daniel Schaffer, 'The American Garden City: lost ideals', in Stephen V. Ward (ed.) ...
Central to the emergence of the youth as a social and a political force was its growing attachment to nature. ... Siân Edwards, Youth Movements, Citizenship and the English Countryside: Creating Good Citizens, 1930–1960 (Cham: Palgrave ...
Edwards, S. (2018) Youth Movements, Citizenship and the English Countryside: Creating Good Citizens 1930-1960. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Enslin, P. and Horsthemke, K. (2004) Can Ubuntu provide a model for citizenship education in ...
19 F. Fuhg, London's Working-Class Youth and the Making of Post-Victorian Britain, 1958–1971 (London: Palgrave, 2021), especially pp. 291–331; S. Kenny, Growing Up and Going Out: Youth Culture, Commerce, and Leisure Space in Post-War ...
423–437; Sian Edwards (2003) Youth Movements, Citizenship and the English Countryside 1930–1960' (PhD thesis, University of Sussex). For a longer history of femininity and girls' education see Carol Dyhouse's work on girls in ...
Dent, H.C., 'To Cover the Country with Good Schools: A Century's Effort', British Journal of Educational Studies 19:2 ... Edwards, Sian, Youth Movements, Citizenship and the English Countryside: Creating Good Citizens, 1930–1960 (Cham, ...
Transdisciplinary and transnational in content and scope, the Encyclopedia both reflects and enables the wide range of approaches, fields and understandings that have been brought to bear on the ever-transforming problem of the "child" over ...
Davin, Anna. Growing Up Poor: Home, School and Street in London, 1870–1914. London: Rivers Oram, 1996. Edwards, Sian. Youth Movements, Citizenship and the English Countryside: Creating Good Citizens, 1930–1960. London: Palgrave, 2018.
Charnock, Hannah, '“A Million Little Bonds”: Infidelity, Divorce and the Emotional Worlds of Marriage in British Women's Magazines of ... Edwards, Sian, Youth Movements, Citizenship and the English Countryside: Creating Good Citizens, ...