The American Jewish Year Book, now in its 117th year, is the annual record of the North American Jewish communities and provides insight into their major trends. The first chapter of Part I is an examination of how American Jews fit into the US religious landscape, based on Pew Research Center studies. The second chapter examines intermarriage. Chapters on "The Domestic Arena" and "The International Arena" analyze the year's events as they affect American Jewish communal and political affairs. Three chapters analyze the demography and geography of the US, Canada, and world Jewish populations. Part II provides lists of Jewish institutions, including federations, community centers, social service agencies, national organizations, synagogues, Hillels, day schools, camps, museums, and Israeli consulates. The final chapters present national and local Jewish periodicals and broadcast media; academic resources, including Jewish Studies programs, books, journals, articles, websites, and research libraries; and lists of major events in the past year, Jewish honorees, and obituaries.--
In Jewish Germany, cultural anthropologist David Levinson draws out and explores for us the expanse of the Jewish experience in Germany from the fourth century CE to the present.
This classic bestseller--winner of the National Jewish Book Award--is repackaged with a new look. A young girl ignores her parents' wishes and persuades her great-grandmother to relate the story of her escape from czarist Russia.
West Side Story II
Bill Broder's “A Prayer for the Departed: Tales of a Family through the Decades of the Last Century” (ISBN 1461138930) honors the elders of his family through a series of complete and connected short stories.
The temple stood there until A.D. 326 , when the Emperor Constantine , a convert to Christianity , built his monumental church . Historians tell us that Constantine's choice of the site is significant . In Rome Constantine built several ...
Nisbet , Robert A. The Sociological Tradition , Nueva York , Basic Books , 1966 . O'Connor , Harvey . The Guggenheims : The Making of an American Dynasty , Nueva York , Covici - Friede , 1928 . O'Gorman , Edmundo .
... Tulk 1971 : 73 ( Newfie : take four more ) ; Baker 1985 : 123 ( Kentucki a Indiana , collected 1973 ) ; Powers 1973 ( doctor ) ; Larkin 1975 : 127 ( Puerto Rican ) ; Adar 275 : 146 ( generic ) ; Benton and Loomes 1977 ( 1976 ] : 12 ...
"Der böhmisch-jüdische Erzähler Leopold Kompert (1822-1886) ist vielleicht nicht der Erfinder der 'Ghettogeschichten', aber durch seine erste Sammlung 'Aus dem Ghetto' (1848) gelangte diese deutsch-jüdische Erzählgattung zu nationaler ...
Rabbi Bruce M. Cohen . An independent , nonprofit , nonpolitical organization dedicated to fostering understanding and respect between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel . ISRAEL HISTADRUT FOUNDATION ( 1960 ) .
R. Solomon Tyrer of Czernowitz ( c . 1765–1818 ) the Czernowitzer Rebbe , as he was known -- faced similar problems . 39 Like Heschel , Tyrer was neither a native - born Moldovan nor a permanent immigrant . This profile confirms that ...