This book provides a comprehensive overview of the practice of sustainability through a diverse range of case studies spanning across varied fields and areas of expertise. It provides a clear indication as to the contemporary state of sustainability in a time faced by issues such as global climate change, challenges of environmental justice, economic globalization and environmental contamination. The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability explores three broad themes: Environmental Sustainability, Social Sustainability and Economic Sustainability. The authors critically explore these themes and provide insight into their linkages with one another to demonstrate the substantial efforts currently underway to address the sustainability of our planet. This handbook is an important contribution to the best practises on sustainability, drawn from many different examples across the fields of engineering, geology, anthropology, sociology, biology, chemistry and religion.
The work is explicitly global in scope as it considers the very different issues associated with sustainability in the global north and south
IoT is another primary path leading to a fully digital world. ... Although there are many definitions available, the following one accurately describes IoT: “An open and comprehensive network of intelligent objects that have the ...
This Handbook offers a rare combination of pluralistic and multidisciplinary perspectives from law, economics, finance and management, as well as an interesting mix of latest academic thinking and practical recommendations on ESG for boards ...
This handbook is recognition of the need to better integrate physical and human geography.
This book focuses on a new line of thinking that places environmental sustainability as the key foundation in how to manage sustainability in a time of change.
Communication and Economic Development: An Assessment of the Impact of the Nigerian Press on NEEDS. In E. M. Mojaye, O. O. Oyewo, R. M'Bayo, ... Mainstreaming Paper for the World Congress on Communication for Development (WCCD), Rome.
The BRICS and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) (BPC Policy Brief V.4 N.03). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: BRICS Policy Center. Atwood, J. B. (2011). The road to Busan: Pursuing a new consensus on ...
Climate Dynamics 40 (2014): 2589–603. al-Jabartı, 'Abd al-Rahman. ... Edited by Thomas Philipp and Moshe Perlmann, 4 Vols. ... The 18th Century Climate of Jamaica, Derived from the Journals of Thomas Thistlewood, 1750–1786.
This Handbook responds to the needs and aspirations of current and future generations of development economists by providing critical reference material alongside or in relation to mainstream propositions.
The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility is a comprehensive, authoritative overview of CSR in all its forms, providing a multiplicity of interdisciplinary tertiary research from esteemed academics in their fields.