This book investigates the reasons behind the 2017 youthquake – which saw the highest rate of youth turnout in a quarter of a century, and an unprecedented gap in youth support for Labour over the Conservative Party – from both a comparative and a theoretical perspective. It compares youth turnout and party allegiance over time and traces changes in youth political participation in the UK since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis – from austerity, to the 2016 EU referendum, to the rise of Corbyn – up until the election in June 2017 General Election. The book identifies the rise of cosmopolitan values and left-leaning attitudes amongst Young Millennials - particularly students and young women. The situation in the UK is also contrasted with developments in youth participation in other established democracies, including the youthquakes inspired by Obama in the US (2008) and Trudeau in Canada (2015). James Sloam is Reader in Politics at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK. He is co-convenor of the UK Political Studies Association (PSA) specialist group on young people’s politics. His work focuses on youth politics in Europe and the United States, inequalities in political participation, and the role of education in democratic engagement. Matt Henn is Professor of Social Research at Nottingham Trent University, UK. He is the Research Coordinator for Politics and International Relations and Coordinator of Postgraduate Research in the School of Social Sciences. He has published widely on the subject of young people and politics over the last two decades. .
The One, the Few and the Many: Research Strategies in Comparative Politics
Democratic elections are designed to create unequal outcomes: for some to win, others have to lose. This book examines the consequences of this inequality for the legitimacy of democratic political institutions and systems.
"Based on data from democracies across the globe, this book examines how election losers and their supporters respond to their loss and how institutions shape losing"--Provided by publisher.
Following the Tory defeat , the Liberals under prime ministers Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau were increasingly isolated in Western Canada . By the late Trudeau period , the Liberals were governing with the support of Ontario and ...
Combining thematic and country approaches to show students what comparative politics is really about, The Good Society organizes itself around a key question-why are some countries better than others at improving their citizens' lives?
Chinua Achebe , a Nigerian author , cited a William Butler Yeats poem to describe Nigeria and Nigerians during this period : Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer ; Things fall apart ; the centre ...
Ed . Myron Weiner and Samuel P. Huntington . Glenview , IL : Scott , Foresman / Little , Brown , 1987 . 3–32 . ... Kingston , Paul , and lan S. Spears eds . States - Within - States : Incipient Political Entities in the Post - Cold War ...
... Inc .; 44 , New York Public Library , Astor , Lenox and Tilden Foundations ; 47 , Brad Markel / Gamma - Liaison ... 359 , Allan Tannenbaum / Sygma ; 362 , Photo by Y. R. Okamoto / Courtesy Lyndon Baines Johnson Library , Austin , TX ...
American Government: Comparative Approach