Essay aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Allgemeines und Theorien, Note: 1,3, Hochschule Bremen (Gesellschaftswissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Goods, data and money flow through the world unrestricted and without limitless time, but man still adapts to nation-state boundaries, he follows his constitution and during sporting events he supports his national team and sings the hymn of his nation. Today, the number of nation states in Europe and in the world is as high as never before. Nevertheless, many authors repeatedly invoke the anachronism of the nation-state and its end through denationalization . Since the beginning of the 21st century, it seems that the nation states are losing ground, no country in the world can still make its own economic policy without external influence. The effects of globalization should lead to the end of nation-state governance and make the nation-state as a form of political organization obsolete. In the further course of the essay, this assertion requires a confrontation and juxtaposition of both concepts and their current perception with the respective historical context.
Are Nation-states obsolete? Are multination states viable? Can we really create powerful supranational institutions? These are the questions that celebrated authors and specialists attempt to answer in this important collection of articles.
Those unfamiliar with Habermas's theoretical work will find in this volume a lucid and engaging introduction to one of the world's most influential thinkers.
Focusing on Denmark and Ireland, the book analyses how small states adapt to the international market and argues that the institutional mediation of globalisation helps us explain why some states seem to possess more capacity to adjust than ...
Containing articles on approaches to and theories of globalization, this collection addresses the making of the modern world from different disciplinary perspectives.This set investigates the major components of globalization in its most ...
The history of globalization is anything but a no-frills affair that moves smoothly along a clear-cut, unidirectional path of development, eventually leading to seamless global integration.
Essay from the year 2009 in the subject Politics - Political Theory and the History of Ideas Journal, grade: 1.3, Royal Holloway, University of London, language: English, abstract: Globalization alone is not causing the decline of the ...
This collection examines the transformation of the modern Western state in an age of accelerated globalization.
The first English translation of the 1993 French publication speculating on the future demise of the nation-state.
This groundbreaking book offers an in-depth historical perspective on the rise of capitalism, written by one of the leading scholars of the Global South.
Opello & Rosow argue that the current neoliberal state does not represent a new form, but is an attempt to reconstitute the managerial state in the context of globalization.