Science in Action: Age 5-6 - Movement. How does it move? - teachers' resource book
Chicago : University of Chicago Press . de Santillana , G. and von Dechend , H. 1969. ... also to consult two reviews , by a historian and an astronomer respectively : L. White , Jr. Isis 61 ( 1970 ) : 540 ; C. Payne - Gaposchkin .
Things that Go
This book is about different types of transportation. (Set of 6 with Teacher's Guide and Comprehension Question Card)
... 3m / s2 5m / s 10m / s ( c ) velocity at t = 10s 21m / s -35m / s 41m / s ( d ) position at t = 10s 485m 24m | A1 . A2 . A3 . A4 . 4. ( b ) initial velocity. R5 . Answer Sheet 2 26 Relating Kinematic Quantities Minds Physics Activity.
Answers nine questions about motion, explaining Newton's Laws of Motion, gravity, centrifugal force, and other principles of movement.
Do you know that the world turns round and round? Lots of things go round and round. What do you know that goes round and round? Do you go round and round sometimes? How? Fiction Reading Level 2/F&P Level B
Fast and Slow helps emergent readers understand and differentiate between these opposites while providing them with a supportive first nonfiction reading experience.
A biography of the famous seventeenth-century English physicist, Sir Isaac Newton, who formulated the laws of gravity, force, and motion.
... movement / by Lola M. Schaefer . - p . cm . ( The way things move ) Includes bibliographical references and index . Summary : Simple text and photographs show people and things that make zigzag movements . ISBN 0-7368-0401-3 1. Motion ...