Akribisch hat Warburg die musikalische Ausstattung der Feste , die technische Umsetzung , die Bühnenbilder , aber eben auch die Schneiderrechnungen untersucht , die für die aufwendigen Kostüme gestellt wurden .
This folio volume and the exhibition in Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin succeed in restoring Warburg's vanished legacy something that researchers have long considered impossible.
Aby Warburg (1866-1929) is best known as the originator of the discipline of iconology and as the founder of the institute that bears his name. His followers included such celebrated...
Perhaps Warburg anticipated some of the intellectual history traced by Frances Yates in her 1934 work John Florio: The Life ofan Italian in Shakespeare's England, written partly in the newly relocated Warburg Institute in London.
This edition includes thirty-nine photographs, many of them originally presented as slides with the speech, and a rich interpretive essay by the translator.
This folio volume and the exhibition in Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin succeed in restoring Warburg's vanished legacy-something that researchers have long considered impossible.
A collection of essays by the art historian Aby Warburg, these essays look beyond iconography to more psychological aspects of artistic creation: the conditions under which art was practised; its social and cultural contexts; and its ...
Focusing on the period 1896-1918, this is the first in-depth, book-length study of his response to German political, social and cultural modernism.
The second part of the book continues when Warburg's disciple, Fritz Saxl, takes his place as director of what had become the famous Warburg Institute. After Aby's death, with the rise of Hitler, the Nazis threaten to burn down the library.
Originally published in French in 2002, examines the life and work of art historian Aby Warburg.
Focusing on the period 1896-1918, this is the first in-depth, book-length study of his response to German political, social and cultural modernism.