Minulescu , Barbu Florian , C. Brâncuşi , Tristan Regală Scoțiană din Edinburgh și aflată astăzi Tzara , Alfred Margul Sperber , Mihail Cosma , într - o colectie particulară londoneză . Un AL.A. Philippide , Tudor Arghezi .
The Rosenberg execution occurred the year Johns was twenty - three , the year before he painted his first American flag . He and millions of other Americans in their early twenties had been brought up in the atmosphere of such espionage ...
Eighty-seven computer generated 3D images. Different methods of viewing are suggested. Featured artists include Bohdan Petyhyrycz, Ryan Jones, Bryan Small, Fergus Sullivan, Martin Simon, and Ultragrafix.
Em 'Sob o Signo de Saturno' a autora analisa as obras de Paul Goodman, Antonin Artaud, Leni Riefenstahl (a cineasta predileta de Adolf Hitler), Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes e Elias...
Handbook in Motion
Cette édition revue et reconçue du MoMA Highlights : 350 oeuvres du Museum of Modern Art présente une nouvelle sélection de l'incomparable collection d'art moderne et contemporain du musée new-yorkais....
現代主義: 異端的誘惑 : 從波特萊爾到貝克特及其他人