Aus dem Inhalt: Was ist Operations Research? Überblick über die Modellierungsgrundsätze des Operations Research. Einführung in die lineare Programmierung. Die Lösung linearer Programmierungsprobleme: Das Simplexverfahren. Stochastische Prozesse. Warteschlangentheorie. Lagerhaltungstheorie. Prognoseverfahren. Markov-Entscheidungsprozesse. Reliabilität. Entscheidungstheorie. Die Theorie des Simplexverfahrens Qualitätstheorie und Sensitivitätsanalyse Spezialfälle linearer Programmierungsprobleme. Die Formulierung linearer Programmierungsmodelle und Goal-Programmierung. Weitere Algorithmen der linearen Programmierung. Netzwerkanalyse einschließlich PERT-CPM. Dynamische Optimierung. Spieltheorie. Ganzzahlige Programmierung. Nichtlineare Programmierung Simulation. Anhang. Lösungen für ausgewählte Übungsaufgaben.
This book is written to provide a succinct and efficient introduction to the subject for these students, while offering a sound and fundamental preparation for more advanced courses in linear and nonlinear optimization, and many stochastic ...
Practical and applications-oriented, this text explains effective procedures for performing mathematical tasks that arise in many fields, including operations research, engineering, systems sciences, statistics, and economics.
Last Updated: December 2020 Based on Julia v1.3+ and JuMP v0.21+ The main motivation of writing this book was to help the author himself.
The book covers the standard models and techniques used in decision making in organizations. The main emphasis of the book is on modeling business-related scenarios and the generation of decision alternatives.
This book elucidates the basic concepts and applications of operations research.
This work recounts the evolution of OR as the science of decision making. It chronicles the history of OR in the form of expository entries.
Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms
The formalism OR grew out of tions, and emerging elements of this ever-changing field. We the operational problems of the British and U. s. military also wanted to establish the close associations that OR/MS efforts in World War II.
In: Wilson AG, Wilson GD, Olwell DH (eds) Statistical methods in counterterrorism. ... Noricks D, Resnick AC, Chu C, Burks JJ (2010) Bridging the gap: developing a tool to support local civilian and military disaster preparedness.
Urban Operations Research