Patricia Hart, Series Editor Paul B. Dixon Benjamin Lawton Marcia Stephenson Allen G. Wood French Jeanette Beer Paul ... Fiora A. Bassanese Peter Carravetta Franco Masciandaro Anthony Julian Tamburri Luso-Brazilian Fred M. Clark Marta ...
The profound thought of Rabindranath Tagore on Indian history and his prose writings reflecting on a range of themes from the ancient to the modem era have been brought out in this fine collection.
Among the nongay literature of AIDS, a notable example is Alice Hoffman's (1952– ) At Risk (1988), the account of an 11-year-old girl's contracting of AIDS from a blood transfusion. Reynolds Price's (1933– ) The Promise of Rest (1995) ...
With reference to India; contributed articles.
The first law of the data site, however, is relatively simple: if complex intelligence is to continue to evolve it must act so there are more possibilities to act next time. Don Byrd, from the introductory essay
Renate Just , ' Im Zeichen des Saturn . Ein Besuch bei W. G. Sebald ' , in W. G. Sebald , pp . 37-42 ( p . 38 ) . Eva Juhl , ' Die Wahrheit über das Unglück . Zu W. G. Sebald Die Ausgewanderten ' , in Reisen im Diskurs .
... fatal " innocence . " The myth in which Sutpen seeks to clothe himself is , like the robes which Benjy and Quentin attempt to hang on Caddy , not cut to fit the living human being . The ironic contrast between history and myth , man and ...
The Text Synchronises The Individual History With National History Lending It A Universal Significance.The Texts Seek To Picture The Socio-Political Situation Of Post-Independence India With A Post-Modern Urgency.