A report on an Early Iron Age metal hoard found in 1979 at Selme in Oman. Comprising more than 500 pieces, the hoard included a number of daggers, bangles and bowls, as well as other miniature vessels, some of which were unique to this hoard.
Blade-type weaponry of Hasanlu period IVB. In de Schauensee M. (ed.), Peoples and crafts in period IVB at Hasanlu, Iran (Hasanlu special studie, 4), Philadelphia, 135‒82. TILLMANN, A. and S. Kroll 1981. Mehr als Kupfer in 224 The Early ...
The Al Khawd hoard and its contemporaries lend weight to the suggestion that 1st millennium BCE Qade (the name of south-eastern Arabia at that time) was even more important than Bronze Age Makan in terms of the copper trade volume.