The first volume on environmental processes gives a profound overview on the biotechnology of wastewater. Part I deals with general aspects such as microbial metabolism, biofilms, analytical techniques, threshold values, methods of monitoring and regulations. Processes of wastewater treatment are presented in Part II: providing a lot of practical information origins and composition of wastewater from municipal, industrial and agricultural sources as well as aerobic and anaerobic processes in different types of reactors are described.
This book is one of the volumes of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series. The principal intention of this series is to help readers formulate answers to the last two questions above.
When starting the Second Edition of Biotechnology, one volume was planned to deal with processes of environmental biotechnology. However, it was realized soon that knowledge in this field has increased tremendously.
The book devotes a detailed chapter to each of the four main areas of environmental biotechnology -- wastewater treatment, soil treatment, solid waste treatment, and waste gas treatment -- dealing with both the microbiological and process ...
This book was designed to serve as a primary text for two full semesters of undergraduate study (e.g., Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology or Advanced Environmental Biotechnology).
[96] [97] [98] [99] [100] Rosário CR, Kipper LM, Frozza R, Mariani BB, Burstein F, Lee W. Methodology for acquisition of collective tacit knowledge used in diagnosis of defect cause in industrial processes. VINE 2015;45.
Biswas, Margaret (1994), Bio-Informatics and Biotechnology: In: Sohal, HS. and A.K. Srivastava (Eds.), Environment and Biotechnology, Ashis Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 145—155. Cairns, J., McCormic, RV. and Neiderlehner, PR.
About the Book: This book is meant for undergraduate students of Biotechnology, Chemical and Civil Engineering courses and also for postgraduate students of Environmental Studies.
This volume contains twelve chapters divided in the following three parts: biotechnology for conversion of organic wastes, biodegradation of hazardous contaminants and, finally, biotechnological procedures for environmental protection.
Reidmiller, D. R.; C. W. Avery; D. Barrie; A. Dave; B. DeAngelo; M. Dzaugis; M. Kolian; K. Lewis; K. Reeves; and D. Winner (2018). Overview: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, ...
This book provides comprehensive information on the different aspects of environmental biotechnology and also discusses the processes and new technologies dealing with pollutants, degradation and resource recovery.