Provides references and answers to every question presented in the primary Organic Chemistry textbook Successfully achieving chemical reactions in organic chemistry requires a solid background in physical chemistry. Knowledge of chemical equilibria, thermodynamics, reaction rates, reaction mechanisms, and molecular orbital theory is essential for students, chemists, and chemical engineers. The Organic Chemistry presents the tools and models required to understand organic synthesis and enables the efficient planning of chemical reactions. This volume, Organic Chemistry: Theory, Reactivity, and Mechanisms in Modern Synthesis Workbook, complements the primary textbook—supplying the complete, calculated solutions to more than 800 questions on topics such as thermochemistry, pericyclic reactions, organic photochemistry, catalytic reactions, and more. This companion workbook is indispensable for those seeking clear, in-depth instruction on this challenging subject. Written by prominent experts in the field of organic chemistry, this book: Works side-by-side with the primary Organic Chemistry textbook Includes chapter introductions and re-stated questions to enhance efficiency Features clear illustrations, tables, and figures Strengthens reader?s comprehension of key areas of knowledge Organic Chemistry: Theory, Reactivity, and Mechanisms in Modern Synthesis Workbook is a must-have resource for anyone using the primary textbook.
Have no fear - this hands-on guide helps you solve the many types of organic chemistry problems you encounter in a focused, step-by-step manner.
A much-needed resource for students and working chemists alike, this text: -Presents models that establish if a reaction is possible, estimate how long it will take, and determine its properties -Describes reactions with broad practical ...
Organic Chemistry Study Guide: Key Concepts, Problems, and Solutions features hundreds of problems from the companion book, Organic Chemistry, and includes solutions for every problem.
This is a workbook through which chemistry students can gain confidence in the parts of organic chemistry appropriate to first-year courses.
Complete with explanations and example equations, this book will help you ace your organic chemistry class! Inside.
The over one hundred diagrams and charts contained in this volume will help students visualize the structures and bonds as they read the text, and make the logic of organic chemistry clear and easily understood.
Thanks to this book, you'll get friendly and comprehensible guidance on everything you can expect to encounter in your Organic Chemistry II course.
This edition includes more than 100 new or substantially revised problems, including new problems on synthesis and green chemistry, and new “challenging” problems.
Transformational Organic Chemistry Workbook
The Workbooks in Chemistry series takes a worked example led approach to help undergraduate students develop the problem-solving skills they need to excel in their studies - and beyond.