Handbook of Optical Systems, Volume 4: Survey of Optical Instruments

Handbook of Optical Systems, Volume 4: Survey of Optical Instruments
Science / Physics / General
Herbert Gross


The state-of-the-art full-colored handbook gives a comprehensive introduction to the principles and the practice of calculation, layout, and understanding of optical systems and lens design. Written by reputed industrial experts in the field, this text introduces the user to the basic properties of optical systems, aberration theory, classification and characterization of systems, advanced simulation models, measuring of system quality and manufacturing issues. In this Volume Volume 4 presents a survey of optical systems, based on the principles of image formation, optical system setup and quality control which are covered by the first three volumes. Starting with the human eye, the chapters discuss all systems, from telescopes and binoculars to projection, spectroscopic and illumination systems. All these systems are characterized and described using coherent schemes and criteria to provide readers with a thorough background for their own developments. Other Volumes Volume 1: Fundamentals of Technical Optics Volume 2: Physical Image Formation Volume 3: Aberration Theory and Correction of Optical Systems Volume 5: Advanced Physical Optics

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