In Washington George Tenet , the Director of the CIA , was breakfasting at the St Regis hotel with an old friend , ex - Senator David Boren . The ' chatter ' in the intelligence system over the summer , the sense that something big was ...
ZERO: почему офиц. версию событий 11 сент. 2001 г. можно считать фальшивкой : [сборник : перевод
"Who was responsible for the crimes of 9/11? What should have happened that did not, and what did happen that should not have? Who benefited? This book examines those questions in light of more than a decade of detailed study.
El Kaide terörün gölgesi
L'auteur étudie les nouvelles menaces qui pèsent sur le monde. Il analyse Al-Qaida et affirme son inexistence, sans nier pour autant le danger de l'islamisme radical.
Eric Allen , firefighter , Squad 18. Joseph Ryan Allen . Richard Dennis Allen , firefighter , Ladder 15 . September 10. A cloud of ambient anxiety had shadowed her for days . She kept trying to push it away but always it returned : an ...
The first book in the Time Tunnel series, “Time Tunnel: The Twin Towers,” re-imagines 9/11 as a critical inflection point in time, the outcome of which the government determines must be altered in order to reverse the course of the ...
Pasquale was in the middle of evacuating and reached the stairwell on the 22nd floor when the North Tower collapsed. He remembers thinking "this is how Im going to die" as he fell with the building.
The Callery pear tree standing at the base of the World Trade Center is almost destroyed on September 11, but it is pulled from the rubble, coaxed back to life, and replanted as part of the 9/11 memorial.