The DD6 Symposium was, like its predecessors DD1 to DD5 both a research symposium and a summer seminar and concentrated on differential geometry. This volume contains a selection of the invited papers and some additional contributions. They cover recent advances and principal trends in current research in differential geometry.
Press, Princeton, NJ, 1976. S. Hildebrandt, Boundary behavior of minimal surfaces, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 35 (1969), 47–81. D. Hoffman, The computer-aided discovery of new embedded minimal surfaces, Math. Intelligencer 9 (1987), no.
Jost , J .: Nonlinear methods in Riemannian and Kählerian geometry , DMV Seminar 10 , Birkhäuser , Basel ( 1991 ) . 90. ... Keller , J.B. , Rubinstein , J. Sternberg , P .: Reaction - diffusion processes and evolution to harmonic maps ...
The book is rich in results and exercises that form a continuous spectrum, from those that depend on calculation to proofs that are quite abstract.
This outstanding guide supplies important mathematical tools for diverse engineering applications, offering engineers the basic concepts and terminology of modern global differential geometry.
The main theme of this book is the geometrical interpretation of phenomena taking place in Jet spaces in connection with differential equations.
This collection of papers constitutes a wide-ranging survey of recent developments in differential geometry and its interactions with other fields, especially partial differential equations and mathematical physics.
This book gives an introduction to the basics of differential geometry, keeping in mind the natural origin of many geometrical quantities, as well as the applications of differential geometry and its methods to other sciences.
Introduction to Differential Geometry with applications to Navier-Stokes Dynamics is an invaluable manuscript for anyone who wants to understand and use exterior calculus and differential geometry, the modern approach to calculus and ...
This volume presents lectures given at the Wisła 19 Summer School: Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, and Mathematical Physics, which took place from August 19 - 29th, 2019 in Wisła, Poland, and was organized by the Baltic ...
Elementary, yet authoritative and scholarly, this book offers an excellent brief introduction to the classical theory of differential geometry.