From the contents: A. Arosio: Global solvability of second order evolution equations in Banach scales.- H. Beirao da Veiga: On the incompressible limit of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations.- A. Bove: Propagation of singularities for hyperbolic operators with double characteristics.- G. Buttazzo: Relaxation problems in control theory.- R. Finn: The inclination of an H-graph.- P.R. Garabedian: On the mathematical theory of vortex sheets.- N. Garofalo: New estimates of the fundamental solution and Wiener's criterion for parabolic equations with variable coefficients.- M.G. Garroni: Green function and invariant density for an integro-differential operator.- M. Giaquinta: Some remarks on the regularity of minimizers.- E. Giusti: Quadratic functionals with splitting coefficients.- R. Gulliver: Minimal surfaces on finite index in manifolds of positive scalar curvature.- R. Hardt, D. Kinderlehrer, M. Luskin: Remarks about the mathematical theory of liquid crystals.- E. Heinz: On quasi-minimal surfaces.- P. Laurence, E. Stredulinsky: A survey of recent regularity results for second order queer differential equations.- C.-S. Lin, W.-M. Ni: On the diffusion coefficient of a semilinear Neumann problem.- M. Longinetti: Some isoperimetric inequalities for the level curves of capacity and Green's functions on convex plane domains.- P. Marcati: Nonhomogeneous quasilinear hyperbolic systems: initial and boundary value problem.- E. Mascolo: Existence results for non convex problems of the calculus of variations.- U. Mosco: Wiener criteria and variational convergences.- L. Nirenberg: Fully nonlinear second order elliptic equations.- J. Serrin: Positive solutions of a prescribed mean curvature problem.- D. Socolescu: On the convergence at infinity of solutions with finite Dirichlet integral to the exterior Dirichlet problem for the steady plane Navier-Stokes system of equations.- J. Spruck: The elliptic Sinh Gordon equation and the construction of toroidal soap bubbles.
For a class of cases where Theorem 5.3 applies , with its somewhat unusual hypothesis on uog- , let N = { 0 , 1 ) , H = U ( 0,1 ) , let H be the distribution function of a random variable X having a strictly positive density on R and E ...
本书是美国著名力学和数学家BarnaSzabó教授和IvoBabu?ka教授的经典之作。书中重点介绍了有限元模型的建立、验证与校核,尤其是详细介绍了p型有限元的基本理论,p型、h型以及hp型有 ...
"I think this new book has no real competitors.
The aim of this major revision is to create a contemporary text which incorporates the best features of calculus reform yet preserves the main structure of an established and well-tested...
Regularity of Minimal Surfaces begins with a survey of minimal surfaces with free boundaries. Following this, the basic results concerning the boundary behaviour of minimal surfaces and H-surfaces with fixed...
This volume contains 18 invited papers by members and guests of the former Sonderforschungsbereich in Bonn (SFB 72) who, over the years, collaborated on the research group "Solution of PDE's...
Written primarily for undergraduate students of mathematics, science, or engineering, who typically take a course on differential equations during their first or second year. The main prerequisite is a working...
Written in problem-solving format, this book emphasizes the purpose of an advanced calculus course by offering a more thorough presentation of some topics to which engineering and physical science students...
An internationally famous expositor discusses such topics as differential equations, matrices, groups, sets, transformations, mathematical logic and other important areas of modern mathematics. His clear-cut explanations for both lay readers...
The latest edition of this bestselling textbook uses a clear and rigorous approach to explain multivariate calculus. Incorporates the concepts of a vector field, emphasizing the major applications of vector...