This volume contains detailed, worked-out notes of six main courses given at the Saint-Flour Summer Schools from 1985 to 1987.
Ecole D'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XV-XVII, 1985-87
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXVIII - 1998 M. Emery, A. Nemirovski, D. Voiculescu Pierre Bernard. [40] K.D. Elworthy. ... École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XV-XVII, 1985-87, LNM 1362, Springer, 1988.
École d'Été de Probabilités de SaintFlour XV-XVII, 1985-87. Editor: P.L. Hennequin. V, 459 pages. 1988. Vol. 1363: P.G. Casazza, T.J. Shura. Tsirelson's Space, VIll, 204 pages. 1988, Vol, 1364; R.R. Phelps, Convex Functions, ...
If this book is used with a statistics textbook that does not include probability theory, then knowledge in measure-theoretic probability theory is required. Jun Shao is Professor of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
This book introduces readers to the living topics of Riemannian Geometry and details the main results known to date.
Minimal surfaces, and more generally constant mean curvature surfaces, are one of the central objects of study in geometry. Some time ago, Souganidis and myself, in a paper on fractional diffusion processes, introduced new notions of ...
Proceedings of a Second Workshop held in Silivri, Turkey, July 18-30, 1988 Hayri Korezlioglu, Ali S. Ustunel. Vol. 1350; U. Koschorke (Ed.), ... École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint. Flour XV-XVII, 1985–87. Editor: P.L. Hennequin. v.
A self-contained, mathematical introduction to the driving ideas in equilibrium statistical mechanics, studying important models in detail.
The aim of this book is to identify the unifying threads by providing surveys of the uses and concepts of entropy in diverse areas of mathematics and the physical sciences.
Lectures Given at the Institut D'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain, June 1991 A. Connes, S. Novikov, S. Smale, R. Thom, S.-T. Yau Carles ... École d ' Été de Probabilités de Saint - Flour XV - XVII . 1985-87 Editor : P.L. Hennequin .