Statistical methods in animal improvement: historical overview. Mixed model methodology and the box-cox theory of transformations: a Bayesian approach. Models for discrimination between alaternative modes of inheritance. Design of experiments and breeding programs. Considerations in the design of animal breeding experiments. Use of mixed model methodology in analysis of designed experiments. Statistical aspects of design of animal breeding programs; a comparison among various selection strategies. Optimum designs for sire evaluation schemes. Estimation of genetic parameters. Computational aspects of likelihood-based inference for variance components. Parameter estimation in variance component models for binary response data. Estimation of genetic parameters in non linear models. Prediction and estimation of genetic merit. A framework for prediction of breeding value. BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) and Beyond. Connectedness in genetic evaluation. Prediction and estimation in non-linear models. Generalized linear models and applications to animal breeding. Analysis of linear and non-linear growth models with randon parameters. Survival endurance and censored observations in animal breeding. Genetic evaluation for discrete polygenic traits in animal breeding. Selection and non-random mating. Accounting for selection and mating biases in genetic evaluation. Statistical inferences in populations Undergoing selection of non-random mating. Statistics and new genetic technology. Reproductive technology and genetic.
This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of animal science.
This best-selling text examines the biological principles, scientific relationships, and management practices of livestock production, providing students the context and foundation upon which they can determine their academic and career ...
Veterinary Reproduction & Obstetrics (theriogenology)
Based on the previous bestseller, Genetic Improvement of Cattle and Sheep, this book has been completely revised, expanded and redesigned to be an essential textbook for undergraduate, masters and early postgraduate level students in ...
Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer: How They Can Help Sheep Breeders
The text relates science to practical application in all the major farmed animal species: cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, pigs and fish"--
Animal husbandry
Finishing Pigs in Straw Courts
Genética del mejoramiento del ganado
20 What are the important factors one should consider in determining the weight and grade of cattle to buy ? 21 Define the term compensatory growth . REFERENCES Baker , Marvel L. , Leslie E. Johnson , and Russell L. Davis , Beef Cattle ...