Models derived from the Real Business Cycle perspective have recently taken a major place in business cycle research. The papers in this present volume bring three contributions to this research programme: A critical evaluation of the canonical RBC models, new elements of empirical relevance, based on comparative calibration and testing, and new specifications, at the frontier of business cycle research, coping with non walrasian features, contracts and nominal rigidities, unemployment and growth.
The unifying theme of this book is the use of the neoclassical growth framework to study the economic fluctuations associated with the business cycle.
This book is a collection of state-of-the-art papers on the properties of business cycles and financial analysis.
"First printing, July, 1927.""A rewriting, based on new and fuller statistical material, of his book on 'Business cycles, ' published in 1913"--Foreword.
The main conclusion of the book is that simultaneous equation models are the best vehicle for EBCR, if all its goals are to be attained simultaneously.
In this paper, we review the recent empirical and theoretical literature that motivate this paradigm shift.
Victor Zarnowitz has long been a leader in the study of business cycles, growth, inflation, and forecasting.
This volume presents new methods and applications in longitudinal data estimation methodology in applied economic.
After surveying the various approaches to business cycle modelling and studying the recent evidence it becomes clear that far more testing of these key business cycle hypotheses has been undertaken using US macroeconomic time series than ...
Business Cycles
The Rediscovery of the Business Cycle