Although the last decade has witnessed significant advances in control theory for finite and infinite dimensional systems, the stability and control of time-delay systems have not been fully investigated. Many problems exist in this field that are still unresolved, and there is a tendency for the numerical methods available either to be too general or too specific to be applied accurately across a range of problems. This monograph brings together the latest trends and new results in this field, with the aim of presenting methods covering a large range of techniques. Particular emphasis is placed on methods that can be directly applied to specific problems. The resulting book is one that will be of value to both researchers and practitioners.
Applied Parallel Computing. Industrial Computation and Optimization
This volume is intended for scientists and graduate students specializing in computer science and applied mathematics who are engaged in parallel scientific computing.
This volume is intended for scientists and graduate students specializing in computer science and applied mathematics who are engaged in parallel scientific computing.
This volume is intended for scientists and graduate students specializing in computer science and applied mathematics who are engaged in parallel scientific computing.
See the ScaLAPACK Users' Guide [4] for more details. The input matrix A of the system is on output overwritten with the LU factorization, and the right-hand side B is overwritten with the solution. Temporary storage is needed only for ...
This book presents and synthesizes the recent experiences of reknown expert developers who design robust and complex parallel computing applications.
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing, PARA 2012, held in Helsinki, Finland, in June 2012.
This book constitutes the carefully refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing, PARA'98, held in Umea, Sweden, in June 1998.
The papers in this volume were presented at PARA 2000, the Fifth International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing. PARA 2000 was held in Bergen, Norway, June 18-21, 2000.
This book focuses on the design and analysis of basic parallel algorithms, the key components for composing larger packages for a wide range of applications.