This book documents the use of methods that put a value on cultural goods, including theater, cultural events, museums, archeological sites, and libraries. The author sets forth the advantages and disadvantages of each method using case studies to illustrate how they work. Moreover, the theoretical background of the methods and the kind of information they can provide are discussed. Both market and non-market valuation techniques are covered.
John W. Mohr, Christopher A. Bail, Margaret Frye, Jennifer C. Lena, Omar Lizardo, Terence E. McDonnell, Ann Mische, ... James, 173–74 Moore, Rick, 28–29 moral background, 41 Moreno, Jacob, 106 Morris, Michael W., 53–55 Moskos, Peter, ...
Exploring Cultural Value presents ground breaking new research on the use of the cultural value lens to explain and investigate those areas of society where art and culture can have an impact or add value, beyond economic measures.
This book answers the question of how soft factors such as corporate cultures and individual and corporate values can be transparently steered.
This innovative book attempts t
This book, written by members of the design and implementation team for the groundbreaking European Social Survey (ESS), reviews current best practice in the conduct of cross-national, cross-cultural quantitative research.
This is a book not only for economists and social scientists, but also for anybody actively involved in the world of the arts and culture.
For the first time, this book lays out the Katzenbach Center's proven methodology for identifying your culture's three most critical elements: traits, characteristics that are at the heart of people's emotional connection to what they do; ...
The book will be an invaluable resource to masters and PhD students taking advanced courses in cross-cultural research and analysis in Management, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and related programs.
Regarded as one of the most influential management books of all time, this fourth edition of Leadership and Organizational Culture transforms the abstract concept of culture into a tool that can be used to better shape the dynamics of ...
Their findings will revolutionize the art and practice of business management.The book shows that there are essentially six management practices that all successful companies must master simultaneously.