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Boron Ergaenzungsband 1-20 Borverbindungen: Boron Compunds Supplement
Presenting a systematic approach to the chemistry of the p Block elements and hydrogen, this book also introduces some basic topics concerning chemical bonding, such as oxidation numbers, bond strengths, dipole moments and intermolecular ...
RUFF, J. K.: J. org. Chemistry 27, 1020 (1962). * BURG, A. B., and E. S. KULJIAN: J. Amer. chem. Soc. 72, 3103 (1950). * HouGH, W. W., and G. W. SCHAEFFER: U.S. Patent 2,809,171 (1957). * DEwING, I.: Angew. Chem. 73, 681 (1961). 2.
The first supplement volume eomplements the 20 volumes on boron eompounds (Borverbin dungen) that have been published within the New Supplement Series (Erg.-Werk) of the eighth edition of the Gmelin...