International Books in Print
Over 210,000 titles from 5,800 publishers are included; entries are arranged alphabetically by AACR2 & ISBD cataloging rules. The Subject Guide arranges the titles into non-fiction works in 134 subject groups plus BELLES LETTRES.
International Books in Print 1987: English-languaje Titles Published Outside the United States and United Kigdom. Authors-title list
An encyclopedia designed especially to meet the needs of elementary, junior high, and senior high school students.
International Books in Print, 1993
Reflecting the output of some 8,000 publishers, the Author-Title List of this newly revised edition catalogues over 270,000 in-print fiction and nonfiction titles in a single alphabetical sequence.
International Books in Print, 1989: author-title list; vol.1 : A-K publisher
The Subject Guide arranges nonfiction works in 158 subject groups plus belles lettres. Titles with a country focus & biographies are listed in separate indexes & cross-referenced to the title entries in the main section.
Children's Books In Print is the go-to source for locating children's and young adult titles in the US.
This seven-volume set offers a core collection of hand-selected titles in 58 curriculum-specific subject areas.