This is a collection of essays to celebrate 45 years of Professor Aleksander Szwedek's academic endeavour and his impressive contribution to the development of linguistics in Poland and abroad. The articles seek to represent an eclectic range of topics in linguistics, literature and cultural studies. They reflect the versatile and influential nature of Professor Szwedek's work, and have been contributed by colleagues and former pupils, now active in a variety of academic fields, within English studies. All have been inspired in various ways by the work and teaching of Aleksander Szwedek.
Cognitive Linguistics argues that language is governed by general cognitive principles, rather than by a special-purpose language module.
the Australian Linguistic Institute 1994, which took place in July 1994 at LaTrobe University, Melbourne, I gave a course ... My thanks are due in particular to Jürgen Broschart, Joan Bybee, Ulrike Claudi, Bernard Comrie, Karen Ebert, ...
本书以隐喻式小句为切入点考察小句级阶上的概念语法隐喻现象, 将"构式""整合""意象图式"和"识解"四个理论因子融合为整体建构起一个框架, 在此框架内分析了隐喻式物质, ...
This work brings together 19 articles from leading scholars who investigate the relationship between spatial cognition and spatial language.
Figure 8.18 Anchor Me Clause Remainder waited for. Figure 8.19 The more interesting case is represented in Figure 8.20, where the existential core functions as clause-level anchor, thus conflating those two functions.
The lectures for this book were given at The China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics in April 2004.
Lingua terra cognita: A festschrift for professor Roman Kalisz
Meara (1997) suggests that one of the crucial distinctions between active and passive vocabulary lies in the directionality of the connection. If a word is only connected to the rest of the lexicon in a uni-directional way, ...
Zugriff unter : http : // archiv . . ( letzter Zugriff 30.03.2009 ) . 3. Belletristik : Boyle , T. C. , 1995. Der Samurai von Savannah .