Diploma Thesis from the year 2006 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: 1,5, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, 100 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: The thesis at hand deals with the European programme Trans-European Networks (TEN) as support for infrastructure of a common interest for Europe in connection with Public Private Partnerships (PPPs or P3s). It will be shown that the former encourages the latter and the other way around and that this encouragement is inherent. This is also underlined by the area of applications for PPPs and TEN. Collaborations of public and private sector are not seen as a panacea, but it will be shown that there is much more to gain then to loose from this unconventional way of implementing infrastructure projects, which become more and more important. This is especially underlined through the need of investment in Europe's infrastructure and tight budgets of the European Union and their member states at the same time. Furthermore, the gain of additional expertise, faster realisation and cost savings through synergetic effects are normally by-products of a rather commercial orientation. However, it is also stressed that such a participation of the private sector shall be accompanied by sharing unprofitable parts of projects, even if different types of Public Private Partnerships are used within such a project. Casting a light on the Trans-European Networks programme as a pillar of European regional policy, this view is supported. Around the world, P3s are used widely in different forms. Three examples will be presented according to the three sectors of TEN. As it is the norm, these different models leave space for inventive solutions to tackle individuality of projects. Rigid PPP structures on European level therefore are not recommended in this work. However, to deal with a variety of problems and to make use of a range of advantages at the same time, a compulsor
A Fast Track Analysis of Strategies for Infrastructure Provision in Great Britain: Executive Summary
... Jacobs/Sverdrup Civil, Inc., St. Louis, MO Kumares C. Sinha, Olson Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, ... Washington, DC Cynthia L. Quarterman, Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, ...
本书采取自上而下的方式介绍了关键基础设施, 定义了脆弱性等关键术语的概念;阐述了关键基础设施相互依赖的复杂性和维度等重要特征, 以及在探知基础设施性质方法中存在的挑战.
The EU's energy and transport infrastructure investment needs are expected to remain high in the near future. This report analyses the macroeconomic impact of infrastructure development in the EU, focusing on inland transport and energy.
In The Road to Renewal, R. Richard Geddes surveys the current state of U.S. ground transportation and finds that, like the roads themselves, transportation policy is in desperate need of repair.
There is a growing interest to find ways and methods to finance capital investments in infrastructure by deploying private capital.
Desigualdad regional y gasto público en México (Spanish). Rafael Gamboa and Miguel Messmacher. INTAL-ITD-STA DD-21. 2003. Export Processing Zones and Other Special Regimes in the Context of Multilateral and Regional Trade Negotiations ...
Presenting several country studies, the book explains how infrastructure investment can increase output, taxes, trade, and firm productivity. Based on this evidence, the book proposes innovative modes of infrastructure financing.
"According to the book infrastructure investment is synonymous with economic development. Insufficient roads, railways, and utility systems reduce the quality of life for billions of people. This make firms less competitive.
The SAC would be charged with development of a transparent process for identifying and prioritizing research needs and opportunities in highway safety, with emphasis on infrastructure and operations, and using the process developed to ...