Neue Wege für Frauen raus aus dem Stress Wir alle wissen seit Langem: Frauen sind anders. Dass dies aber auch für das Thema Stress gilt, ist neu. Frauen stecken in einem delikaten Zwiespalt: Sie sollen festgelegten Erwartungen entsprechen und dabei ganz sie selbst sein. Sie sollen ihren Körper lieben, während ihnen tagtäglich suggeriert wird, dass er nicht schlank, fit und sexy genug ist. Sie sollen sich voll entfalten, während sie bereits 110 Prozent geben und dafür kaum Wertschätzung erfahren. Aus all dem resultiert: Stress. Die Zwillingsschwestern Emily und Amelia Nagoski zeigen in diesem wegweisenden Buch - untermauert von neuesten wissenschaftlichen Fakten -, wie Frauen den typisch weiblichen Burnout-Fallen entkommen und innere Ausgeglichenheit finden.
This book takes a comprehensive approach to stress management and how modifying your lifestyle and taking practical steps can significantly reduce the level of stress you are experiencing.
The Complete Doctor's Healthy Back Bible: A Practical Manual for Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Back Pain. Toronto: R. Rose, 2004. Sauers, Joan, with Peter Edwards. Quick Fixes for Everyday Back Pain: Tips, Tricks, ...
We believe the reader will agree that all three objectives were accom plished, though in so vast and active a field, one can never be totally satisfied. The authors included in this volume are among the leading inves tigators in the field.
An examination of the causes and effects of stress, showing how to identify and reduce unnecessary and unwanted stress. Provides complete programs for relaxation and "stress-proofing" lifestyles. Color illustrations and...
Drawing from groundbreaking research, psychologist and award-winning teacher Kelly McGonigal, PhD, offers a surprising new view of stress—one that reveals the upside of stress, and shows us exactly how to capitalize on its benefits.
Encyclopedia of Stress
Unsuccessful coping often results in anxiety, heavy drinking, depression and a host of other mental health problems. This new book presents new and important research in this important field.
Sooner or later, it erupts through these paper thin layers of temporary fixes. In "Stress Cure Now," Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, MD describes a 3-step plan to get rid of stress at its roots, once and for all.
This book is a toolbox of practical micro-strategies based on discovering your personal stress-management style and recognizing what works. Journaling exercises and recommended activities provide key reference points.
Young adults discover the differences between being stressed and anxious in this informative narrative.