This up-to-date review examines key areas of animal behaviour, including communication, cognition, conflict, cooperation, sexual selection and behavioural variation. Various tests are covered, including recent empirical examples.
This edition includes new chapters on hormones and behavior, individuality, and human evolution.
Designed for a one-semester introductory course in Animal Behavior. Animal behavior is a broad discipline with investigators and contributions from diverse perspectives, including anthropology, comparative psychology, ecology, ethology, physiology, and...
The first book-length exploration of behavioral mechanisms in evolutionary ecology, this ambitious volume illuminates long-standing questions about cause-and-effect relations between an animal's behavior and its environment.
This text provides an introduction to the study of behaviour, from its basis in the animal's anatomy and physiology to its adaptive value in the environment.
Animal Behavior: Mechanisms, Ecology, Evolution
Unique among books on behavior in its emphasis on geographic variation, this volume is a valuable new resource for students and researchers in animal behavior and evolutionary biology.
This classic textbook is a concise introductory guide to the subject of animal behavior. The book is organized by first building the four-cornered foundations of the subject, then moving higher.
The study of alternative reproductive tactics (the behavioural strategies used by individuals to increase their reproductive success) is an evolutionary puzzle, and one of great interest to researchers.
Cooperative behaviour has been one of the enigmas of evolutionary theory. This book examines the many facets of cooperative behaviour in primates and humans.
Animal Behaviour: An Evolutionary Approach