Arbitration is an essential component in business. In an age when transparency is a maxim, important issues which the laws governing arbitration currently fail to address are the extent to which disclosure of information can be constrained by private agreement along with the extent to which the duty to preserve confidentiality can be stretched. Absent a coherent legal framework and extensive qualitative and quantitative data, it is equally difficult to suggest and predict future directions. This book offers a tool for attaining centralised access to otherwise fragmentary and dispersed material, as well as a comprehensive analysis and detailed exposition of the position in relation to confidentiality in arbitration in the jurisdictions of England, USA, France and Germany.
The book deals with confidentiality as one of the most controversial issues in international commercial arbitration.
In this context the aim of this book is on the one hand to spur discussion and to shed new light on the traditional idea of confidentiality in international commercial arbitration (and in some other figures alike).
The second edition of Gary Born's International Commercial Arbitration is an authoritative 4,408 page treatise, in three volumes, providing the most comprehensive commentary and analysis, on all aspects of the international commercial ...
Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Analysis of the Position in England and Tanzania
This book, the first of its kind, provides parties opting for “private justice” with vital judicial reassurance on U.S. courts’ highly supportive posture in enforcing awards and its pronounced reluctance to intervene in the arbitral ...
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive study of the legal concept of equity as it operates in contemporary international law.
§12.05 CONCLUSION This chapter has described how India has reacted to being taken to task by a series of foreign investors, who have sought remedies from international arbitral tribunals when confronted with long delays characterising ...
commentaries on the FIDIC Red Book and the precedent (court decisions or awards) that they cite to: Author Title (and ... FIDIC FORMS OF CONTRACT (2005) 154 (no award cited) J. Glover & S. Hughes6 UNDERSTANDING THE NEW FIDIC RED BOOK: A ...
The Third Edition provides a systematic framework for both current analysis and future developments, as well as exhaustive citations from all leading legal systems.
Serving as an essential strategic guide, this book allows practitioners to represent clients more effectively in cases where New York is implicated as either the place of arbitration or evidence or assets are located in New York.