Some primate field studies have been on-going for decades, covering significant portions of individual life cycles or even multiple generations. In this volume, leading field workers report on the history and infrastructure of their projects in Madagascar, Africa, Asia and South America. More importantly, they provide summaries of their long-term research efforts on primate behaviour, ecology and life history, highlighting insights that were only possible because of the long-term nature of the study. The chapters of this volume collectively outline the many scientific reasons for studying primate behaviour, ecology and demography over multiple generations. This kind of research is typically necessitated by the relatively slow life histories of primates. Moreover, a complete understanding of social organization and behaviour, factors often influenced by rare but important events, requires long-term data collection. Finally, long-term field projects are also becoming increasingly important foci of local conservation activities.
In this book, the editors present a view of the socioecology of primates and cetaceans in a comparative perspective to elucidate the social evolution of highly intellectual mammals in terrestrial and aquatic environments.
Fan, P., X. Jiang, C. Liu, and W. Luo. 2006. Polygynous Mating System and Behavioural Reason of Black Crested Gibbon (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Dazhaizi, Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China. Zoological Research 27(2): 216–220.
Primates 33:49–68 Janson CH, van Schaik CP (1993) Ecological risk aversion in juvenile primates: slow and steady wins ... Stanford University Press, Stanford Kappeler PM, Pereira ME (eds) (2003) Primate life history and socioecology.
An introduction to chimpanzee behavior and conservation, synthesizing findings from long-term field studies in the African rainforest belt.
This practical volume brings together a group of distinguished primate researchers to synthesise field, laboratory, and conservation management techniques for primate ecology and conservation.
Readers experience the excitement of discovery and the challenges of primate field research. Primate Ethnographies can be used as a textbook or a companion reader.
This book provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art synthesis of research principles and applied management practices for primate conservation.
Compelled to seek something more than what modern society has to offer, Robert Sibley turned to an ancient setting for help in recovering what has been lost. The Henro Michi...
J. Nutr . 118 : 1082–88 . Milton , K. , and F. R. Dintzis . 1981. Nitrogen - to - protein conversion factors for tropical plant samples . ... Morrison , S. D. , F. C. Russell , and J. Stevenson . ... Murphy , M. E. , and S. D. Pearcy .
This book is an assimilation of both published and previously unpublished research.