Derivative criminal liability includes inchoate offenses (criminal attempt, conspiracy, preparatory offenses, etc.), complicity (joint perpetration, perpetration through another, incitement, solicitation, accessoryship, etc.), organized crime, natural and probable consequences liability, post-crime aid, enterprise liability, terrorism and terrorist infrastructure, and many more forms of criminal liability, clearly making it a major pillar of modern criminal law. Although derivative criminal liability affects countries worldwide, there is still no general legal theory that covers this issue. The objective of the present book is to develop a comprehensive, general, legally sophisticated, and at the same time practical theory of derivative criminal liability. The book emphasizes the practicality of the theory to enable courts, lawyers, legislators, attorneys, students, and academics to apply it in their daily professional occupations.
This book challenges the assumptions of modern criminal law that insanity is a natural, legally and medically defined phenomenon (covering a range of medical disorders).
Like the first volume, this book makes a valuable contribution to a more coherent and practical understanding of international criminal law.
... criminal. Having sexual intercourse is not necessarily criminal, unless it is “without consent”. As aforesaid, circumstances are not mandatory component of. 32G ABRIEL HALLEVY, THE MATRIX OF DERIVATIVE CRIMINAL LIABILITY 171–184 (2012) ...
The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law reflects the continued transformation of criminal law into a global discipline, providing scholars with a comprehensive international resource, a common point of entry into cutting edge contemporary ...
... criminal law . Northeastern University Press , Boston Hallevy G ( 2012 ) The matrix of derivative criminal liability . Springer Hallevy G ( 2015a ) The matrix of insanity in modern criminal law . Springer Hallevy G ( 2015b ) Liability for ...
Does an offender have the right to be punished? "The right to be punished" may sound like an oxymoron, but it is not necessarily so.
... Criminal Law under the Modern Concept of Criminal Liability. J. of Law, Info. & Sci. 21(2), 200–211 (2012) Hallevy, G.: The Matrix of Derivative Criminal Liability. Springer, Heidelberg (2012) Herring, J.: Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and ...
How often is the defense of insanity or temporary insanity for accused criminals valid—or is it ever legitimate? This unique work presents multidisciplinary viewpoints that explain, support, and critique the insanity defense as it stands.
This is a reprint of a book first published by Little, Brown in 1978. George Fletcher is working on a new edition, which will be published by Oxford in three volumes, the first of which is scheduled to appear in January of 2001.
Artificial Intelligence Under Criminal Law Gabriel Hallevy. SIR GERALD GORDON, THE CRIMINAL LAW OF SCOTLAND (1st ed ... THE MATRIX OF DERIVATIVE CRIMINAL LIABILITY (2012) John Harding, The Development of the Community Service, in ...