In an era that has brought new and unexpected challenges for virtually every company, one would be hard-pressed to find any responsible manager who is not thinking about what the future will bring. In the wake of these challenges, strategic planning has moved from being the reserve of large corporations to becoming an essential need for even small and medium-sized enterprises. But what good is even the most convincing strategic concept if the company’s people are unwilling or unable to put it into practice? The key is to develop people, and to develop them not only for the work of today, but also for the challenges that the future holds. Strategic HR development has become a decisive force for the success of any business. This book, edited by Matthias T. Meifert, shows us which basic considerations we need to remember and what strategic HR development means in practice. Its interesting and vivid approach takes the reader on a tour of the eight stages of HR development, introduces the critical factors, and highlights many practical recommendations for strategic HR development practice in business.
Further, this book discusses how current theoretical perspectives and frameworks (e.g., those related to strategic competitiveness, knowledge management, learning organization, communities of practice, etc.) can be applied by reflective ...
The book is unique as it provides overview of 26 strategic responses and the role of HRD in them.
As an HR Business Partner, you must go beyond discussions at the task level to build relationships on a personal level. This book enables you to move from an "internal customer" mindset to a "strategic business partner" mindset.
Use this practical guide to implement HR processes that benefit both employees and the business as a whole and develop essential skills for HR professionals.
ELEMENTS OF PROFESSIONALIZATION Harries - Jenkins ( 1970 ) identifies the following elements of professionalization in his paper ' Professionals in Organizations , Profession and Professionalization ' . Structural element 1 . 2 .
This edition of Strategic Human Resource Management and Development – A Primer, is an 'Easy Read' and 'Easy to Understand', perspicuous student edition.
An accessible introduction written by a stellar contributor line up of world-renowned lecturers and practitioners in the field (including Linda Holbeche, Stephen Taylor and Jim Stewart).
`I thoroughly enjoyed this book which is well-argued, well-structured and superbly referenced. It will be of value to those studying change and strategic management and human resource development at masters...
This book analyses a collection of key strategic human resource management (HRM) and employment relations (ER) topics.
'The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management' is a prestige reference work offering a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the field.