by Jerome L. Stein Disenchantment with Keynesian econollics developed during the post-1968 period when the rate of growth of output declined, the rate of unemployment rose, and the rate of inflation increased in the U.S. and in other countries. This paradox, called stagflation, was inconsistent with the tenet of Keynesian economics that cyclical movemants in prices and output relative to their respective trends are positively correlated. A search occurred for a more satisfactory theory of macroeconomics which could explain the paradox of stagflation and the observed economic phenomena. The New Classical Economics (NCE) developed as the total rejection of Keynesian economics. The Keynesians claimed that their demand management policies contributed to the obsolescence of the business cycle and successfully eliminated the gap between full employment (potential) output and actusl output. The NCE argued just the opposite: the unemplo~nt rate or growth rate of real output is insensitive to systematic demand management policies [Lucas; Sargent and Wallace].
Having the high unemployment in Germany in mind, this book discusses how macroeconomic theory has evolved over the past forty years.
... Theories. X, 183 pages. 1989. Vol. 326: Ch. Sauer, Alternative Theories of Output, Unemployment, and Inflation in Germany: 1960–1985. XIII, 206 pages. 1989. Vol. 327: M. Tawada, Production Structure and International Trade. V, 132 pages ...
'...among the glories of modern publishing...edited with exemplary authority and lack of fuss...' - London Review of Books This definitive edition contains all Keynes's published writings, including less accessible articles...
... 185, 260 Ladenson, M.L., 70, 108, 260 Lafrance, R., 34, 260 Lee, T.-C., 259 Levich, R.M., 21, 253 Lisman, J.H.C., ... 261 MacDonald, R., 1, 10, 33,62, 261 Marston, R.C., 251, 253, 255 Marwah, K., 37, 261 Masera, S., 254 Masson, P., ...
This book presents an econometric modeling approach for analysing macroeconomic disequilibria, focusing on the market for goods and labor and the spillovers between these markets transmitted through firms' decisions in the production sphere ...
452: P. Gritzmann, R. Horst, E. Sachs, R. Tichatschke (Eds.), Recent Advances in Optimization. VIII, 379 pages. 1997. Vol. 453: A. S. Tangian, J. Gruber ... 468: A. Ziegler, A Game Theory Analysis of Options. XIV, 145 pages. 1999.
Dr. Gerald A. Heuer Professor of Mathematics Concordia College Moorhead, MN 56562, USA Prof. Dr. Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger Professor of Operations Research University of Graz A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA Dieser Band wurde mit Unterstützung des ...
... Theories . X , 183 pages . 1989 . Vol . 326 : Ch . Sauer , Alternative Theories of Output , Unemployment , and Inflation in Germany : 1960-1985 . XIII , 206 pages . 1989 . Vol . 327 : M. Tawada , Production Structure and International ...
... Theories . X , 183 pages . 1989 . Vol . 326 : Ch . Sauer , Alternative Theories of Output , Unemployment , and Inflation in Germany : 1960-1985 . XIII , 206 pages . 1989 . Vol . 327 : M. Tawada , Production Structure and International ...
... Theories . X , 183 pages . 1989 . Vol . 326 : Ch . Sauer , Alternative Theories of Output , Unemployment , and Inflation in Germany : 1960-1985 . XIII , 206 pages . 1989 . Vol . 327 : M. Tawada , Production Structure and International ...