At the summer school in Pisa in September 1996, Luigi Ambrosio and Norman Dancer each gave a course on the geometric problem of evolution of a surface by mean curvature, and degree theory with applications to PDEs respectively. This self-contained presentation accessible to PhD students bridged the gap between standard courses and advanced research on these topics. The resulting book is divided accordingly into 2 parts, and neatly illustrates the 2-way interaction of problems and methods. Each of the courses is augmented and complemented by additional short chapters by other authors describing current research problems and results.
We have added to the research papers of this book the text of a conversation with Ennio De Giorgi about the diffusion and the communication of science and, in particular, of Mathematics.
1858: A.S. Cherny, H.-J. Engelbert, Singular Stochastic Differential Equations (2005) Vol. ... 1879: G. Slade, The Lace Expansion and its Applications, Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIV- 2004. Editor: Jean Picard (2006) ...
This volume contains 18 invited papers by members and guests of the former Sonderforschungsbereich in Bonn (SFB 72) who, over the years, collaborated on the research group "Solution of PDE's and Calculus of Variations".
... Cm1 +m2 \{0}) such that ho g = (0. ohl)”, (g” *") = g oh for all g e S" with l =l112. To see (6°), for an element u0 % Fia. (S") let Go = {g e S'; guo = u0} be the subgroup of S fixing u0. Since uo 2 Fia. (S"), Go is discrete, ...
This book provides a comprehensive discussion on the existence and regularity of minima of regular integrals in the calculus of variations and of solutions to elliptic partial differential equations and systems of the second order.
We have added to the research papers of this book the text of a conversation with Ennio De Giorgi about the diffusion and the communication of science and, in particular, of Mathematics.