With the introduction of antibiotics acute inflammatory disease has ceased to be the dominant problem in general medical practice and its place is now increasingly occupied by chronic inflamma tory disease of which the rheumatic diseases constitute the most important group. lwo aspects of these diseases need to be consid ered, their aetiology and their pathogenesis. In some respects the latter is more important since even when the aetiology is known, as for example the haemolytic streptococcus in rheumatic fever, the mechanism by which the infecting agent accomplishes the development of the lesions that characterise the disease are still largely unknown. Still more so is this the case in rheuma toid arthritis and other chronic inflammations where the aetio logical agents are unknown. In an attempt to clarify the pathogenic mechanisms involved, sev eral attempts have been made to induce comparable lesions in ex perimental animals, partly to test underlying hypotheses, and partly to provide test situations for the trial of new therapeu tic agents. In view of the deficiencies in the current drug treat ment of chronic inflammatory disease there are many who feel that this is largely due to the inadequacy of the models avail able for test purposes.
Experimental Models of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
46 (2004): New Molecular Mechanisms of Estrogen Action and Their Impact on Future Perspectives in Estrogen Therapy Editors: K.S. Korach, A. Hillisch, K.H. Fritzemeier Vol. 47 (2004): Neuroinflammation in Stroke Editors: U. Dirnagl, ...
Experimental Models of Infection, Inflammation and Injury, Volume 168 provides step-by-step protocols for scientific researchers to effectively utilize experimental model systems.
This book was prepared as extension of author’s accidental discoveries on experimental models of acute and chronic ocular inflammatory diseases that were established at the University of Pennsylvania in 1980’s.
Activity in such models has been used in decision-making concerning selection of compounds for clinical trials. Of course, the ultimate test for establishing the therapeutic efficacy of novel anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment ...
This book combines for the first time the different experimental models for MS (including immune-mediated and viral) under one roof, and highlights aspects that are different or shared among these experimental models.
Because autoimmune disorders can wreak havoc in both humans and animals, these disorders are now the objects of intense and focused research. This book details specific animal models for a variety of autoimmune disorders.
Translational Inflammation, the 4th volume in the Perspectives in Translational Cell Biology series, offers content for professors, students and researchers across basic and translational biology.
J Immunol 161 : 1327–1335 Trenado A , Charlotte F , Fisson S , Yagello M , Klatzmann D , Salomon BL , Cohen JL ( 2003 ) ... J Immunol 168 : 1080–1086 66 Morris ES , MacDonald KP , Rowe V , Johnson DH , Banovic T , Clouston AD , Hill GR ...
Mouse models in skeletal physiology and osteoporosis: Experiences and data on 14,839 cases from the Hamburg Mouse Archives. Journal of Bone and Mineral ... Sourcebook of Models for Biomedical Research. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; ...