The initial purposes of this book were to update and extend the discussion and the results presented ill our previous book, The Labor Market and Business Cycle Theories. Our 1990 article, which appeared in The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, represented a first step in this direction. The consequences of this effort have materialized in a number of new chapters that has led de facto to a new book, in which the surviving parts have been largely revised. The 1989 book was too mathematically oriented for many Keynesians and post Keynesians to be fully appreciated and insufficiently microfounded for both new classicals and new-Keynesians to be warmly accepted, yet we received positive and encouraging comments, and it was sold out very quickly. It was an attempt to dis cuss dynamics in Keynesian terms, based on a double assumption that maintains its validity-that both economic facts and analytical and methodological innova tions had contributed to a renewed interest in business cycles, which over time has had its "ups and downs." Since then, many more articles and books have appeared, stressing in particular the role of microfoundations and of nonlinearities in shaping business cycle theory.
245: J.E.M. Wilhelm, Arbitrage Theory VII, 114 pages. 1985. Vol. ... 249: Spatial Price Equilibrium: Advances in Theory, Computation and Application. ... 258; H. Funke, Eine allgemeine Theorie der Polypol- und Oligopolpreisbildung.
... cycle model with profit- sharing ' , Economic Notes , 27 ( 3 ) , 371-402 . Ferri , P. and E. Greenberg ( 1992 ) , Wages , Regime Switching , and Cycles , 2nd edn , Berlin : Springer - Verlag . Friedman , M. ( 1968 ) , " The role of ...
This book comprises an original view of such widely discussed subjects as business cycles, uncertainty, economic growth and the Great Recession, constructed around theory, models and applications.
... regime switching in business cycles', American Economic Review, 88, 516–36. Bak P., K. Chen, J. Scheinkman and M ... Wages, Regime Switching and Cycles, New York: Springer-Verlag. Ferri, P. and H.P. Minsky (1992), 'Market processes and ...
Behavior of Wage Rates During Business Cycles
... Wages, Regime Switching and Cycles, New York: Springer-Verlag. Ferri, P., E. Greenberg and R.H. Day (2001), 'The Phillips curve, regime switching, and the Nairu', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 46, 23–37. Ferri, P. and ...
In recent years, one chosen battleground (data to be explained) has been the business cycle and growth. Many of the earlier RBC models completely ignored data and issues that were seen as important by others (e.g. the nominal and ...
The remainder of the book is concerned with applications of the theory to important models that are used in economics, political science, biostatistics and other applied fields.
This book is a collection of state-of-the-art papers on the properties of business cycles and financial analysis.
This volume gathers together contributions on the subject of the relationship between economic oscillations, growth, and structural change.