The term "Office Automation" implies much and means little. The word "Office" is usually reserved for units in an organization that have a rather general function. They are supposed to support different activities, but it is notoriously difficult to determine what an office is supposed to do. Automation in this loose context may mean many different things. At one extreme, it is nothing more than giving people better tools than typewriters and telephones with which to do their work more efficiently and effectively. At the opposite extreme, it implies the replacement of people by machines which perform office procedures automatically. In this book we will take the approach that "Office Automation" is much more than just better tools, but falls significantly short of replacing every person in an office. It may reduce the need for clerks, it may take over some secretarial functions, and it may lessen the dependence of principals on support personnel. Office Automation will change the office environment. It will eliminate the more mundane and well understood functions and will highlight the decision-oriented activities in an office. The goal of this book is to provide some understanding of office . activities and to evaluate the potential of Office Information Systems for office procedure automation. To achieve this goal, we need to explore concepts, elaborate on techniques, and outline tools.
Brian Pearce, an English researcher in this field, has identified five quite different staff responses (Figure 16) to new technology in HIGH A Man — Automated Office Production line Symbiosis v. £ \ .- ,' w o a v.
Office Automation: A Survey of Tools and Techniques
A Systems Approach Charles M. Ray, Janet J. Palmer ... A & A Morison TDATAR Bentley College , 12427 or come in $ PX 10 Warham , MA 1044 ) Human Resources A.W. Chesterton Company CHESTERTON You your nume 7100 YEARS OF WORLD WIDE SERVICE ...
Using a behaviorial rather than technical approach, discusses the social and organizational nature of information processing systems in the office. Evaluates models and methodologies of office automation in detail. Discusses...
This book teaches that rollouts of the latest enterprise-class technologies cannot produce business value unless management ensures that the front office is trained to use them correctly, and that end-user practices and IT processes are ...
Tutorial Office Automation Systems
Office Automation Technology and Concepts
Collection of studies on mental stress among office workers, caused by office automation, in the USA - covers occupational health in relation to the work environment, work organization factors, ergonomics,...
Introduces readers to a total systems concept of office automation from a practical standpoint. Details all the steps involved in starting an automated organization. Familiarizes readers with the techniques, tactics,...
Study of people's ability to adjust to technological change; provides guidelines for the design of user-friendly office systems. Examines visual, postural, psychosocial, & health concerns related to automation.