The last two subjects mentioned in the title "Wavelets" are so well established that they do not need any explanations. The first is related to them, but a short introduction is appropriate since the concept of wavelets emerged fairly recently. Roughly speaking, a wavelet decomposition is an expansion of an arbitrary function into smooth localized contributions labeled by a scale and a position pa rameter. Many of the ideas and techniques related to such expansions have existed for a long time and are widely used in mathematical analysis, theoretical physics and engineering. However, the rate of progress increased significantly when it was realized that these ideas could give rise to straightforward calculational methods applicable to different fields. The interdisciplinary structure (R.c.P. "Ondelettes") of the C.N .R.S. and help from the Societe Nationale Elf-Aquitaine greatly fostered these developments. This conference was held at the Centre National de Rencontres Mathematiques (C.I.R.M) in Marseille from December 14 to 18, 1987 and brought together an interdisciplinary mix of participants. We hope that these proceedings will convey to the reader some of the excitement and flavor of the meeting.
M. Tentzeris, R. Robertson, A. Cangellaris, and L. P. B. Katehi. “Space and Time- Adaptive Gridding Using MRTD.” Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (1997), 337–340. 61. M. Fujii and W. J. R. Hoefer. “Application of Biorthogonal ...
This volume is designed as a textbook for an introductory course on wavelet analysis and time-frequency analysis aimed at graduate students or advanced undergraduates in science and engineering.
The last 15 years have seen an explosion of interest in wavelets with applications in fields such as image compression, turbulence, human vision, radar and earthquake prediction.
Advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, faculty, researchers and practitioners in signal processing, telecommunications, and computer science, and applied mathematics. It assumes a background of Fourier series and transforms...
Wavelet Analysis and its Applications, Volume 1: An Introduction to Wavelets provides an introductory treatise on wavelet analysis with an emphasis on spline-wavelets and time-frequency analysis. This book is divided into seven chapters.
This book brings together contributions from researchers from disparate fields, both in order to demonstrate to a wide readership the current breadth of workin wavelets, and to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas.
Avaibility of collection of computer codes and mfiles in combination with topics of the book, makes the book highly valuable to enhance student learning of the subject matter.
Covers several of the most important areas in wavelets, ranging from the development of the basic theory, such as: Construction and analysis of wavelet bases Introduction of some of the key applications, including Mallat's local wavelet ...
Insight Into Wavelets: from Theory to Practice
This book is for engineers, applied mathematicians, and other scientists who want to learn about using wavelets to analyze, process, and synthesize images and signals.