Soll der Gesetzgeber nach mehreren gescheiterten Anläufen erneut versuchen, das Umweltrecht in einem Umweltgesetzbuch zusammenzufassen? Unter Berücksichtigung der unionsrechtlichen Vorgaben lotet der Autor die Chancen und Grenzen einer solchen Kodifikation aus. Die Analyse der zuletzt vorgelegten Entwürfe lässt ihn vor überhöhten Erwartungen warnen. Sein Fazit lautet: Nur ein Ansatz, der den Umweltschutz ernsthaft fördert und der durch eine umfassende Kodifikationsarbeit das zersplitterte Recht harmonisiert, bringt einen Mehrwert und rechtfertigt damit den Aufwand für dieses Jahrhundertprojekt.
Introduction / Ulrich Karpen -- Legislation and regulation / Wim JM Voermans -- Legislative process? / Timea Drinóczi -- Management of legislation? / Patricia Popelier -- Participation? / Felix Uhlmann and Christoph Konrath -- Goals and ...
Fitting the Bill: A History of Commonwealth Parliamentary Drafting
Introduction to Key Sectors of European Union Law & Policy for the Kazakhstani Policy Maker and Law Drafter
And he very thoughtfully provides answers for the exercises at the end of the book. The book concludes with a series of appendices that should be very helpful to the aspiring drafter.
In this book Daniel Greenberg draws on his experience as a legislative drafter to present a current account of how legislation is put together.
Pre-legislative Scrutiny
Primarily an all-purpose manual for individuals who may be called on to draft legislation, but also a picture of what legislative drafting involves and how it fits into the legislative process as a whole.
This book is a practical guide to the drafting of federal and state laws for law and public policy students, and legal, lobbying, and legislative professionals.
The purpose of this book is to assist persons who have had little or no drafting experience as well as to provide a reference and explanatory material to more sophisticated legislative drafters.
"This book examines why laws fail and provides strategies for making laws that work.