Affirmative Action: A Kenyan Case

Affirmative Action: A Kenyan Case
Affirmative Action
GRIN Verlag
Tabitha Wangare, John Boit, John Magero


Master's Thesis from the year 2009 in the subject Sociology - Gender Studies, grade: B, http: // (SCHOOL OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT), course: MASTERS DEGREE IN HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, language: English, comment: This book would not have been completed without the great support and encouragement of my Co-authors Dr. John Boit and the late Mr. John Magero (R.I.P). I am highly appreciative of all counsel from the family of Dr. Wangare Gathuthi, my mentor and role model. Last but not least I acknowledge my family's contribution: Ms. Margaret Wambui (Mum) for her constant and unending encouragement, Tabitha Ndungu (my grandmother), for her prayers and love, Malvin Kim (son), for his constant smile that nudged me on till the end. To one and all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH., abstract: Affirmative action is a practice that redresses discrimination in society and is therefore meant to promote equal opportunities between men and women. The purpose of this study was to examine the public perception of affirmative action on women recruitment and career development in organizations within Eldoret municipality. The study objectives were to establish: the public perceptions about affirmative action, the contribution of affirmative action on women career development, the extent to which affirmative action has been incorporated in recruitment of women and the relationship between affirmative action and organization performance. The study was guided by Rawls theory of Justice (1971) which states that all social primary goods - liberty and opportunity, income, jobs and wealth, and the bases of self-respect be distributed equally and there should be no differences and/or discrimination except those that can be justified on grounds of competence. The research employed an Expost Facto Survey research design, which was deemed appropriate because it handles situations or events that have already occurred, examines variables with the same characteristics and does not manipula

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