Mit Ausweitung der Telekommunikationstechnologien hat sich das Kommunikationsverhalten der Menschen geändert und damit ist auch der Missbrauch gestiegen. Die Bandbreite reicht von Cyberstalking, -mobbing bis hin zur Computerkriminalität. Edith Huber stellt zum einen die Frage, ob durch das Aufkommen der neuen Telekommunikationstechnologien ein sozialer Wandel vollzogen wurde, der kriminelles bzw. missbräuchliches Verhalten fördert. Zum anderen geht sie der Frage nach, was in unserer Gesellschaft als „computerkriminell“ zu werten ist. Werden wir alle zu Tätern?
Knowing, building and living together on internet and social networks: The ConRed Cyberbullying Prevention Program. ... Retrieved from Reports/2014/Building-Capacity-to-Reduce-Bullying.aspx Slonje, R., & Smith P. K. (2008).
"The goal of this book is to help educate, empower, and inform readers worldwide of the realities faced by victims.
For much-needed practical advice, from an expert who truly understands the threat of cybercrime, this is a must-have resource to combat the ever-growing problem of internet crime in our society.
This book considers many aspects of cybercrime, including research on offenders, legal issues, the impact of cybercrime on victims, punishment, and preventative measures.
Review problems are supplied to test assimilation of the material, and the book contains weblinks to encourage further study.
Also included in the book is a chapter on the role of organized crime in Internet fraud and another chapter on Internet hoaxes.
376 pp / softbound / ISBN 0-910965-74-9 $ 24.95 Using Workplace Monitoring and Surveillance to Protect Information AsselsWithout Compromising Employee Privacy or Trust JEFFREY M. STANTON AND KATHRYN R. STAM Naked in Cyberspace ...
... Anthony detectives overlooked Google search. Retrieved March 19, 2014 from Baier, H. (2011/2012). On the use of hash functions in computer forensics. Retrieved from Barrios, R. M., ...
speaking, for violence to be effectively prevented it is importantto develop specific policies and procedures that can be ... PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION In their book Violence Goes to College, 75 Chapter 6 DEVELOPING VIOLENCE PREVENTION.
THE AMY BOYER STORY The tragic murder of Amy Boyer was one of the first cyberstalking cases to gain widespread media attention . Boyer's case is also credited with encouraging attempts to introduce legislation intended to combat ...