In this book a rigorous, systematic, mathematical analysis is presented for oligopoly with multi-product firms in static as well as dynamic frameworks in the light of recent developments in theories of games, oligopoly and industrial organization. The general results derived in this book on oligopoly with multi-product firms contain, as special cases, all previous results on oligopoly with single product as well as oligopoly with product differentiation and single product firms. A constructive nu- merical method is given for finding the Cournot-Nash equilibrium, which may be extremely valuable to those who are interested in numerical analysis of the effects of various industrial policies. A sequential adjustment process is also formulated for finding the equilibrium. Dynamic adjustment processes have two versions, one with a discrete time scale and the other with a continuous time scale. The stability of the equilibrium is thoroughly investigated utilizing powerful mathematical results from the stability and linear algebra literature. The methodology developed for analyzing stability proves to be useful for dynamic analysis of economic models.
J Econ Theory 42(1):128–139. (Appeared earlier as, Discussion Paper, Sonderforschungsbereich 21, Universität Bonn, 1985) Okuguchi K, Szidarovszky F (1987) Stability of the linear Cournot oligopoly with multi-product firms.
If this reviewer were asked to hang a course on inflation theory upon one single text, it would almost certainly be this one." The principal concern of this book is to set out the elements that enter into problems of analyzing inflation.
This volume provides an up-to-date coverage of the theory and practise of multiple criteria decision support. It presents the recent developments in the field of decision support systems, including theoretical...
Delay dynamics in heterogeneous competition with product differentiation. ... Delayed nonlinear Cournot and Bertrand dynamics with product differentiation. ... The theory of oligopoly with multi-product firms (2nd ed.).
bestprojection [90C05, 90C06, 90C08, 90CIO, 90Cll] (see: Integer programming: branch and bound methods) best response ... problems: optimization techniques; Financial applications of multicriteria analysis; Frequency assignment problem; ...
Labor-managed Cournot oligopoly and industry output: A comment. ... The stability of the Cournot oligopoly solution: A further generalization. Journal of Economic Studies, ... The theory of oligopoly with multi-product firms (2nd ed.).
This work renews the past wisdom and reveals tomorrow's knowledge. This book reflects the state of the art in nonlinear economic dynamics, providing a broad overview of dynamic economic models at different levels.
10 The Interaction of Uncertainty and Information Lags 261 Kirman , A. , 1975 , " Learning by Firms about Demand Conditions ... The Theory of Oligopoly with Multi - Product Firms ( 2nd edition ) , Springer - Verlag , Berlin / Heidelberg ...
The theory of oligopoly with multi-product firms. Berlin/New York: Springer. Santarelli, F., & Sterlacchini, A. (1990). Innovation, formal vs. informal R and D and Firm size: Some evidence from italian manufacturing firms.
330 P.M. Kort, Optimal Dynamic Investment Policies of a Value Maximizing Firm. VII, 185 pages. 1989. Vol. ... 342: K. Okuguchi, F. Szidarovszky, The Theory of Oligopoly with Multi-Product Firms. V, 167 pages. 1990. Vol.