Tis text has resulted from some forty years of experience during which the author has puzzled over the meaning of ore textures. Te learning process has been slow and is still incomplete. Te bemusement began directly upon leaving the academic confnes, which in retrospect lef one keen young geologist very ill-equipped to interpret the mineralising process via feld or hand lens style observation of the rocks. Enlightenment has proceeded via a series of events:- 1. Te slow process of feld observation as an industry-based mine and exploration geologist. 2. Te opportunity to visit numerous diferent styles of ore deposit both as an academic and consultant. 3. Te need to answer questions from several generations of enquiring students. 4. Te privilege of being able to conduct research. 5. Te good fortune to be associated with a few top class economic geologists who actually knew what they were doing! Professor Willard C. Lacy deserves the most credit for quietly demonstrating the value of frst principles concerning fuid channelways, combined with an ability to look properly at the t- tures. Despite rapid technological advances this skill remains fundamental both to the practi- ing exploration geologist and to the academic researcher who is interested in understanding ore forming processes. Te fve volumes comprising this presentation were originally compiled individually over a period of eleven years, and aimed to progressively guide the observer though the principles of recogn-i tion concerning infll, alteration, overprinting, and fnally to ore-related breccias.
94 16. Synthetic replacements; inclusions formed by replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . 95 17. Textures of oOlitic iron ores; pyrite; iron bacteria .
In contrast to the rather "stereotyped" treatment of textures in conjunction with ore minerals, the author believes that a comparative study (i. e., by the application of the principles of comparative anatomy) of textural patterns is ...
Ore Textures: Recognition and Interpretation
Ore Textures: Recognition and Interpretation
Further possibilities of the genetic interpretation of textural characteristics C. Ore textures in relation to mineral dressing problems The classification of ore textures – a review of viewpoints. The attempt to classify the textures ...
Ore textures in the Western Carpathians
Genetic classification Based on genesis of textures and structures, the genetic classification is classified as: 1. ... dendriteandshredded), thermal Oretextures inrelationtomineral dressing problems Ore textures inrelationto mineral ...
Ore Textures as Indicators of Formation Conditions of Mineral Paragenesis in DifferentTypes of Stratiform Lead-Zinc Deposits T.N. SHADLUN” Abstract There are three types among stratiform deposits of lead-zinc iron disulphide rich ores ...
(1979) Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits. Wiley-Interscience, New York. Barton, P. B. (1978) Some ore textures involving sphalerite from the Furutobe Mine, Akita Prefecture, Japan, Mining Geol., 28, 293–300.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.