"The IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration were adopted by the IBA Council on 1 June 1999.
USA of the PEPSI mark and variants and has at least a dozen PEPSI - variant marks registered in the Bahamas . The Complainants ' expenditure on global advertising since 1991 on the PEPSI mark has exceeded US $ 200 million a year .
'Evidence in International Investment Arbitration' is a detailed analysis of the law and practice surrounding the use of evidence in economic law proceedings before the ICJ, WTO, ITLOS, and investment arbitration.
First published in Jamaica, 2007 by Ian Randle Publishers 11 Cunningham Avenue P.O. Box 686 Kingston 6 www.ianrandlepublishers.com The Race for Fisheries and Hydrocarbons in the Caribbean Basin: The Barbados- Trinidad and Tobago Dispute ...
The Secretariat's Guide to ICC Arbitration: A Practical Commentary on the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration from the Secretariat of...
Included in this volume: . Annotations: explanatory notes, definitions of terms, & references to additional readings. . Bibliography: articles, books, & international documents.
"In his course, Professor Oriol Casanovas undertakes a tripartite analysis of the international protection of refugees and displaced persons in armed conflicts.
Républi T.B.I. C.N.U.D.C.I. (Chambre Sentence 9 septembre 2003 Stocleholm Arbitration Report 2004, n° 1 (extraits) tchèque (SCC ... company c.T Republic of Ecuador (case n° UN3467) (Francisco Orrego Vicuna, président, Charles N. Brower, ...
Nullity and Revision: The Review and Enforcement of International Judgments and Awards
Considers egregious cases of ethically dubious behaviour before public international tribunals.
Proceedings from a Conference on Problems of War and Peace in the Middle East