Nur bei dir fühle ich mich frei ... Für Lia bricht eine Welt zusammen, als ihr eine einzige Nacht zum Verhängnis wird. Nicht nur folgen ihr seitdem die Blicke und das Getuschel ihrer Kommilitonen überall auf dem Campus - selbst ihre Freundinnen wenden sich von ihr ab. Als sie es nicht länger erträgt, packt Lia kurzerhand ihre wichtigsten Sachen und setzt sich in einen Bus nach Berlin. Sie hofft, in dem anonymen Trubel der Hauptstadt einen klaren Kopf zu bekommen und wieder zu sich selbst zu finden. Doch dann trifft sie auf Noah, der ihre Welt von einem Moment auf den anderen ein weiteres Mal auf den Kopf stellt ... "Erfrischend, gefühlvoll und wunderschön. Anabelle Stehl holt New Adult nach Deutschland!" BIANCA IOSIVONI
The Breakaways is a raw, and beautifully honest graphic novel that looks into the lives of a diverse and defiantly independent group of kids learning to make room for themselves in the world.
A witty and emotionally moving tale of friendship, first love, and loss, Breakaway is Kat Spears at her finest.
The Olympic gold medal-winning soccer player details her path to success, from her childhood in California to her time on the United States' National team.
When E.R. doctor Celia Cole-Thomas is wounded and her fiancé killed in a shootout at the hospital, the only way she can heal her body and her heart is to spend time at her mountain retreat.
In 1987, four years after Joan's death, Bill married Alice Pirie Hargrave—“Ittie,” to most everyone, a member of the Carson Pirie Scott department store family and the ex-wife of the son of a founder of Merrill Lynch.
the second Cassandra Kresnov novel.
Cadet Deanna Troi faces a difficult test when she is taken captive in an Academy simulation along with a group of classmates who mistrust her because of her telephathic abilities.
Now, Eric has to take one last shot, but will he choose Dana’s Breakaway chance at happiness or the move that could secure his career? The Portland Storm series reading order: 1. Breakaway 2. On the Fly 3. Taking a Shot 4.
**This new expanded edition contains two scenes once only included in the bundle version of the series, including a new ending scene.**When Naomi Jensen is kidnapped, it takes her parents two days to realize she's missing.
From 75-96 more than a million people fled Vietnam in search of a better life. Thirty percent lost their lives at sea or in camps. This is the story of one person's struggle of survival, redemption and retribution.