Microcirculation of blood is the circulation of blood in the smallest of blood vessels, those embedded in the organ tissues. While these are not the first avenues of thought when we consider circulation, they are vital to human health and to the function of the body. Without Microcirculation, our organs would fail, carbon dioxide removal would be reduced and the body would cease to function as it is meant to. This type of blood movement also directly impacts blood pressure and has become a prime focus in modern medical advancements regarding hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. If you, or someone you know or love, suffers from Hypertension, then understanding Microcirculation and upcoming medicines and procedures directly affects you. This book is a scientifically accurate, yet easy to absorb crash course into this fundamental body system. The how's, the whys and the what's are covered in detail, giving the background you need while offering glimpses into the new and exciting world scientists are quickly crafting - a world that targets the Microcirculation of blood in order to control hypertension. Easy to read, easy to understand and easy to enjoy, this book will make you smarter and more prepared for the enticing medical world of tomorrow. Topics: What is Microcirculation? * The Process of Diffusion in the Microcirculation of Blood * Hypertension and its Relation to Microcirculation * Using Microcirculation Knowledge in the Prevention of End-Organ Damage * Bemer Physical Vascular Therapy
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