... Fraktur ( SE ) : plexes in Höhe des Sprunggelenksspaltes oder distal davon . Als morphologisches ( PE ) : Äquivalent der Außenknöchelfraktur Abb . 38. Klassifikation der Sprunggelenksverletzungen nach der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für.
Text covers all the main areas of trauma care necessary for the trauma specialist in the 21st century.
Using the unique cycles of trauma framework, this comprehensive text presents cutting-edge research findings and current issues, trends, and controversies in trauma nursing. -- From publisher's description.
Trauma Nursing: From Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation
This book provides concise and updated information on trauma, consisting of current evidence-based techniques, practical guidelines, and new concepts and advancements in the field, including decision making from the golden hour to ...
This volume brings together relevant knowledge and new breakthroughs in orthopaedic trauma treatment and management from the past five years.
Written by over 100 internationally known experts, Trauma, 4/e compreh ensively covers all aspects of trauma and surgical critical care, incl uding the integral phases: prehospital, emergency department, surgery and the operating room, ...
Cet ouvrage est une étude pratique des diverses urgences traumatologiques.
Esta guia, dirigida al profesional especializado en urgencias, pretende sintetizar y actualizar la metodologia y la practica del manejo del paciente severamente traumatizado.