Après avoir mis en évidence le circuit neural de la peur, prise comme modèle pour étudier les bases neurales des émotions, dans The Emotional Brain, Joseph LeDoux poursuit dans Neurobiologie de la personnalité son analyse en allant ...
Sinaepsǔwa chaa: sinkyǒng sep'o ǔi yǒnkyǒl pangsik i ǒttǒke chaarǔl kyǒlchǒng hanǔn ka?
Biolgcl Psycho Ed6 Irm
Devane , W. A. , Hanus , L. , Breuer , A. , Pertwee , R. G. , Stevenson , L. A. , Griffin , G. , Gibson , D. , Mandelbaum , A. , Etinger A. , & Mechoulam , R. ( 1992 ) . Isolation and structure of a brain constituent that binds to the ...
144] Awh E, Jonides J, Smith EE, Schumacher EH, Koeppe RA, Katz S. Dissociation of storage and rehearsal in verbal working memory: Evidence from positron emission tomography. Psychological Science 1996;7:25-31.
Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
Focusing on applied and clinical examples, the Second Edition of PRINCIPLIES OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY is an exciting and dynamic approach to neuropsychology that should inspire both students and teachers.
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El libro muestra la importancia de la neurociencia, la genética y la evolución para la psicología y no sólo para la biología.
Paul Broks draws on 15 years as a neuropsychologist to present a narrative about memory and personal identity.